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2023-07-12 编辑:hmzbj001

Title: Elegant and Majestic Names for Girls in the Year of the Rabbit


In Chinese culture, names hold great significance as they are believed to shape a person's destiny. As an experienced naming expert, well-versed in Chinese philosophy, astrology, and literature, I present to you a comprehensive list of 20 names for girls born in the Year of the Rabbit. Each name is carefully chosen to exude elegance, grace, and a sense of grandeur. Let's explore these names and their profound symbolisms.

1. 悦颜 (Yuè Yán)

Meaning: Delightful Countenance

Symbolism: This name conveys a sense of joy and pleasure, representing a girl with a naturally radiant and charming personality.

2. 瑰丽 (Guī Lì)

Meaning: Exquisite Beauty

Symbolism: This name personifies elegance and grace, reflecting a girl who possesses extraordinary beauty, both inside and out.

3. 沈静 (Shěn Jìng)

Meaning: Serene Tranquility

Symbolism: This name embodies a calm and composed nature, signifying a girl who remains peaceful and collected even in challenging situations.

4. 季雅 (Jì Yǎ)

Meaning: Fashionably Graceful

Symbolism: This name reflects a girl with a refined taste and sophistication, who effortlessly carries herself with poise.

5. 茹婉 (Rú Wǎn)

Meaning: Graceful and Charming

Symbolism: This name signifies a girl who possesses a gentle and alluring demeanor, capturing the hearts of those around her.

6. 钰萱 (Yù Xuān)

Meaning: Precious Orchid

Symbolism: This name symbolizes beauty, elegance, and purity, representing a girl with a rare and exquisite aura.

7. 清馨 (Qīng Xīn)

Meaning: Pure Fragrance

Symbolism: This name epitomizes a girl with a pure and refreshing presence, leaving a positive and lasting impact on others.

8. 翠华 (Cuì Huá)

Meaning: Emerald Splendor

Symbolism: This name evokes the image of lush greenery and represents a girl with a vibrant and vivacious character.

9. 念凝 (Niàn Níng)

Meaning: Thoughtful and Serene

Symbolism: This name signifies a girl who possesses a reflective and calm nature, capable of bringing peace to those around her.

10. 珊瑚 (Shān Hú)

Meaning: Coral

Symbolism: This name symbolizes both beauty and resilience, reflecting a girl who overcomes obstacles with grace and strength.

11. 玉琪 (Yù Qí)

Meaning: Jade Gem

Symbolism: This name represents a girl who possesses rare qualities, just like the precious stone, signifying both beauty and wisdom.

12. 昕怡 (Xīn Yí)

Meaning: Joyful Radiance

Symbolism: This name conveys a girl's positive and joyful nature, bringing warmth and happiness to those around her.

13. 韵美 (Yùn Měi)

Meaning: Charming Melody

Symbolism: This name signifies a girl who exudes elegance and charm, captivating others with her winsome personality.

14. 芷琪 (Zhǐ Qí)

Meaning: Fragrant Orchid

Symbolism: This name represents the grace and beauty of an orchid, symbolizing a girl with a rare and captivating allure.

15. 思悠 (Sī Yōu)

Meaning: Thoughtful Serenity

Symbolism: This name signifies a girl who carries an air of tranquility, reflecting her deep and contemplative nature.

16. 雨薇 (Yǔ Wēi)

Meaning: Graceful Raindrop

Symbolism: This name evokes images of gentleness and purity, reflecting a girl with a serene and refreshing presence.

17. 雅菲 (Yǎ Fēi)

Meaning: Elegant and Fragrant

Symbolism: This name signifies a girl with a refined and charming personality, captivating those around her with both grace and allure.

18. 宛静 (Wǎn Jìng)

Meaning: Quiet Grace

Symbolism: This name embodies a sense of tranquility and poise, signifying a girl who exudes elegance and calmness.

19. 语彤 (Yǔ Tóng)

Meaning: Eloquence and Grace

Symbolism: This name represents a girl who possesses both eloquence and grace, making her a captivating presence in any social setting.

20. 婉莹 (Wǎn Yíng)

Meaning: Gentle Brilliance

Symbolism: This name signifies a girl who combines gentleness with brilliance, emanating a unique and radiant aura.


Choosing the perfect name for your baby girl born in the Year of the Rabbit is a significant decision. These carefully curated names represent elegance and grandeur, reflecting the profound qualities and virtues parents hope to imbue in their daughters. May this list inspire you in finding the ideal name that embodies the aspirations and hopes you have for your child.

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